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This site is one

of the competitions available at the

Stunts Racing Portal



 Useful files to download :


STUNTS v1.1 by BRODERBUND : That’s the version of the game used by almost everyone on competition. The best version, where cars go a little faster. Necessary to play this competition of course J.

It’s just HERE (around 1Mo, ZIP file)


CHEATED CARS : These cars must not be used in competition except when indicated. The “cheated Coconut Car Coronet Pulsar Sti-R” that is used in WRC Stunts is in this pack, so you’ll have to download it too J.

It’s just HERE (around 0.2Mo, ZIP file)


TRACKS : Tracks pack of previous rallies (1 pack per rally, that is 4 tracks) will be available (name in black instead of light grey) here after the end of each rally, so you can compare your times with the ones made during the competition.

Just click on rally names to download tracks.

ITALY          KENYA          SWEDEN          CORSICA          ARGENTINA          UK


REPLAYS : coming soon : replays of all previous tracks.